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Welcome to Limestone Public Schools

Superintendent - William Dobbins


Contact Information:


Phone: 207-325-4742


Mr. William Dobbins is a long-time educator in Aroostook County. He received his B.S. from the University of Maine at Presque lsle and his Master of Education from the University of Maine, Certificate of Advance Study-Educational Administrator from the University of Maine. Currently, he is a part-time Superintendent of Schools at the Caswell School Department, following a full-time Superintendent in the Southern Aroostook, Northern Washington Counties. He is noted as an educator that serves the children with great respect also, with high expectations for all. Mr. Dobbins is married to Wilma, and they currently reside in Hodgdon.


We welcome William to the position and look forward to his leadership as we re-establish our independent school district! Please join us in welcoming him to our school and community.




    William (Ben) Lothrop -


Special Education Coordinator:

    Elizabeth (Libby) Durepo -


Business Manager/Technology Director:

    Christopher Kilcollins -


Athletic Director:

    Jocelyn Dillon -


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William Dobbins

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